Council Agenda

March 10, 2025 – 7:00 P.M.

The public may attend in person or via Zoom:
Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 821 3612 6264
Meeting Passcode: 153771

1. Call to Order/Roll Call (The order of the agenda is at the discretion of the mayor)
2. Consent Agenda
o Approve minutes of February 10, 2025
o Approve payment of claims list
o Approve the Treasurer’s Report; Expense by Function; Equipment Fund Summary; and RLF Summary
3. PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of city business other than those listed on this agenda. The Council will not discuss or take any action on your comments at this meeting due to the requirements of the Open Meetings Law but may do so at a future meeting. No profanity and no personal attacks will be allowed.
4. Public Hearing on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the proposed Water Distribution System Improvements Project
5. Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Water Distribution System Improvements Project
6. Consideration of bids for Water Distribution System Improvements Project
7. Resolution awarding contract for the Water Distribution System Improvements Project
8. Public Hearing on proposal that the City of Sully purchase Moes Property
9. Consider possible action on proposal to purchase Moes Property
10. Consider lease agreements for Deep Rock and concession stand
11. Consider proposal to buy Northridge lots
12. Consider proposal for mowing Central Park
13. Resolution to approve contract with Sully Construction Inc for Ballfield Park Upgrades
14. Resolution to authorize city treasurer to write-off certain water utility accounts
15. Library – Story Walk proposal
16. Review items on Action Sheet
17. Reports: Public Works Director, City Clerk, Mayor, Council Members, Sully Development
18. Adjournment

Comments are closed.