Notice of Public Hearing – Water Distribution System Improvements


The City of Sully, Iowa will hold a public hearing on the proposed Plans and Specifications, form of Contract and Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for the construction of certain improvements and work incidental thereto described in general as “Water Distribution System Improvements – Sully, Iowa – 2025” and as described in detail in the Plans and Specifications for said improvements now on file in City Hall, City of Sully, Iowa.

The public hearing will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, March 10, 2025, in City Hall, 318 6th Avenue, Sully, Iowa in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 384, Code of Iowa. At said hearing any interested person may appear and file objections thereto or to the cost of the improvements. At the hearing, the City of Sully, Iowa will receive and consider any objections made by any interested party, to the Plans and Specifications, proposed form of Contract, and the Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for the project.

General Nature of Improvement. The work generally consists of the following; either the Base Bid or Alternate Bid – Trenchless Construction may be awarded.

Base Bid: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals to construct and complete water main improvements, including but not limited to approximately 3,100 feet of trenched 6 inch and 8 inch PVC water main, 4,600 feet of trenchless 6 inch and 8 inch PVC water main, 99 water service lines, valves, hydrants, connections, surface restoration, seeding, and miscellaneous associated work.

Alternate Bid – Trenchless Construction: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals to construct and complete water main improvements, including but not limited to approximately 7,700 feet of trenchless 6 inch and 8 inch PVC water main, 99 water service lines, valves, hydrants, connections, surface restoration, seeding, and miscellaneous associated work.

The project will be located in public right-of-way at multiple locations that are south of 1st Street in Sully, Iowa.

This Notice is given by authority of the City of Sully, Iowa. By: Benjamin Ahrens, Mayor, City of Sully, Iowa

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